Uncut Gems

If this is what is considered a “career defining role”, Adam Sandler should have picked a different career…

Let’s continue working through the cliched tags thrown at this movie. “Award winning?” “Critically acclaimed?” Uncut Gems sets the bar low enough for toddlers to step across fearlessly. Loud, violent, and overly dramatic without anything clever.

Sandler has made some fun, enjoyable movies (Bedtime Stories, 50 First Dates), some seriously stupid movies (The Waterboy, Happy Madison) and some outright terrible movies. This is one of them.

There is nothing redeemable about Sandler’s Howard Rattner or any of the other characters (although there are some you can actually pity, if only for their having the misfortune of being associated with Rattner). Typical of most Sandler vehicles, you are taken from one uncomfortable moment to another where all you can do is wonder “how is he going to make things worse?”. And you know full well that is what is going to happen.

At least in Carlito’s Way, Pacino had us pulling for him to make a turn and to redeem himself. Here, you can’t help but figure Rattner is going to get what’s coming to him.


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